High-Performance Cold Storage Roof Design? What’s that?

High-performance cold storage roof design is essential for maintaining the integrity and functionality of cold storage facilities. The design of the roof system must take into account the specific requirements of the facility, including temperature control, moisture management, and energy efficiency. One important consideration in cold storage roof design is the choice of insulation material. Insulation must be able to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the facility while also preventing moisture buildup that can lead to mold and other issues. ...

Roof Evaluations May Be The Ultimate PM

As a Team Member for Cole Roofing, I am constantly asked why roofs are so expensive. Logistics, materials, access, and a whole laundry list of reasons contribute to the cost of a new roof or maintenance repairs. Even something as simple as removing debris for general housekeeping can take a small crew a substantial amount of time on larger buildings. It all adds up. At Cole Roofing, we understand what goes into a property budget, and we take pride in ...

Roofs Can Crack…What?

Why did we always avoid stepping on cracks in concrete when we were kids? Lovely superstitions! Just like those superstitions, the cracks in the concrete made no sense to most. How does something that tough form cracks? There are a number of reasons, but a common one involves freeze and thaw cycles. Water typically follows the path of least resistance, and if there is the slightest existing crack in the concrete maybe due to earth movement or a defect like ...

Here are six reasons why someone might consider becoming a roofer

1. Job security: There will always be a need for roofers, as every building needs a roof. Whether its new construction or repairing an existing roof, there will always be work available for skilled roofers. 2. Physical work: If you enjoy working with your hands and being physically active, roofing can be a great job. Roofing requires climbing ladders, carrying heavy materials, and working outside in a variety of weather conditions. 3. Variety of work: Roofers work on a variety ...

Commercial roofs are prone to various problems that can lead to expensive repairs.

The roof is a critical part of any commercial building. It protects the building from weather elements, improves energy efficiency, and ensures the safety of occupants. However, commercial roofs are prone to various problems that can lead to expensive repairs or replacements. These include: 1. Leaks – One of the most common commercial roofing problems is leaks. Leaks can occur due to various reasons, such as poor installation, aging, and damage caused by weather elements. Leaks can damage the building ...